Kauai Senior Softball Covid-19 Playing Regulations

League Play and Practices

June 23, 2020


These regulations incorporate the common elements of USA Softball’s individual guidelines for reopening the sport for senior divisions and REQUIRED by the County of Kauai.

  1. All Associations refer to all applicable guidelines including; CDC, national, state, local Health Department, and facility Recommendations for Personal Hygiene, Including:


  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Cover your mouth and nose – with a tissue, if possible – when coughing or sneezing, then properly discard the tissue in the trash
  • Avoid contact with anyone else who is coughing or sneezing or in other wise sick. People who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to leave the park.  This is to be enforced by each team’s manager or coach and if not done the Chief Umpire will ask the person to leave the field for the safety of all.
  • Wash your hands often, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time.
  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Social Contact

  • There will be a “no-contact, no handshake policy” to be observed, extending to all physical contact, including customary game-related activities, such as umpire-coach introductions, and post-game handshakes between members of opposing teams. Instead, players and coaches should tip their caps or simply say “good game” without shaking hands, high-fiving or fist-bumping.
  • Players will be expected to maintain social distancing before and after the game – and during the game.
  • Plate meetings are limited to the umpire and one coach per team and are to maintain social distance.
  • Prior to games, teams waiting to play the next game, all players MUST maintain social distancing. This means no group tents or sit-togethers, including after games are over.  No potlucks are permitted.

Dugout Rules

  • Each coach or manager are responsible to provide hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes for all practices and games for their players as well as the umpire(s). If this rule is not followed then the entire team will need to leave the dugout and playing field and a forfeit will be called.
  • Players and coaches are to maintain 6 feet of distance and are allowed to be outside the dugout in order to maintain spacing. The spectator stands are to be used by players only and NO fan, spectator or family member, regardless of age, are to be allowed in stands; NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE.
  • Bench personnel are limited to one or two coaches plus their scorekeeper.
  • When one team leaves the dugout, the next team MUST wait until all players have excited, before entering.
  • There will be NO community water jugs. Each participant will be responsible for bringing their own water.
  • The team leaving the dugout will need to police the dugout and get rid of open trash, especially drinking containers.

Game Recommendation

  • Players and coaches are instructed not to share equipment. If shared, said equipment MUST be sanitized before and after the use of said equipment.
  • Softballs are to be kept in their original package until they are introduced into the game
  • There will be a new ball for each game
  • After a ball has been introduced into a game, it will be sanitized after every half-inning by the umpire
  • Players and coaches are allowed to wear face protection (masks or face shields) during games and it is recommended that they wear face protection between games
  • It is mandatory that catchers wear a covering over their nose and mouth
  • NO seeds, chew or spitting allowed
  • Umpires to wear face protection (masks or face shields)

Spectator Rules

  • Spectators are required to bring their own chairs – Bleachers /stands are off limit for there usage as they are part of the dugout expansion for players of that on-going game
  • It is recommended that spectators wear masks.
  • Spectators are required to maintain 6 feet social distance


  • Players / teams will be asked to sign a waiver recognizing potential danger of both injury and contracting of illness during practice or league play


The undersigned hereby agrees to the above Playing Regulations and will either distribute or explain these rules in their entirety to their entire team.  No team will be allowed to play league games or continue to practice if this is not turned in to Mike or myself prior to your game Saturday the 27th of June 2020.